Mr Maliki's party has alleged that the computer system used in the counting process was faulty. 马利基的党派称,计票过程使用的计算机系统存在谬误。
These awards are all about "fair play" and as the independent ballot counter we will do our part to ensure that there is fair play in the counting process. 这些奖项都是与公平竞争有关的。作为独立计票人,我们会确保计票过程的公平。
The particles ( which enable counting machines to process stacks of money) are present in the printing ink and lie on certain predetermined spots on individual bills. 这些粒子(粉末)(能使计数机对大量的钱进行分理)存在于油墨中,并在各张纸币的预定点显现。
The overwhelming loss in counting efficiency occurs during the scintillation process itself. 绝大多数计数效率的损失出现在闪烁过程本身。
This essay gives us an idea about the stability of quantificational injecting by analyzing and counting the process. 运用统计过程控制的方法分析了定量稳定性。
In cigarette counting applications, a binarization algorithm is needed for the following counting process. 在烟支计数的实际应用中,为了后续的计数,需要对灰度烟支图像二值化。
The head of a European Union team of observers, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, promptly spoke about deep misgivings concerning the counting process. 欧盟观察家小组的组长亚历山大格拉夫兰博斯多夫(alexandergraflambsdorff)很快谈起他关于记票程序的一些强烈的疑虑。
If they are done appropriately they should provide valuable feedback on the function point counting process. 因为如果他们审计正确,将会给功能点估算过程提供非常有价值的反馈。
The counting process of load cycles is fulfilled to make use of "the raindrop flow method". Visualization in the process is achieved. 采用雨流法完成载荷循环计数过程,并使该过程实现可视化。
Using the theory of counting process and martingale, we get the formula of state reserve and its stochastic differential equation. Therefore the Thiele's differential equation is obtained as well as the net indemnity rate of retirement from individual accounts. 利用计数过程的理论和鞅论,得到了状态准备金的计算公式及其所满足的随机微分方程以及特定环境下的Thiele微分方程,从而计算出个人账户的退休金净赔偿率。
During the classifying and counting process, I paid particular attention to the contact feature between every sentence and the numeral consistency. 分类统计过程中特别注意了各句子与数的一致性的联系特征。
Using the counting process equation, the paper analyses the estimation of transition probabilities p ij ( s, t) for multistate life table, gives the estimations of the number of sample for each state and covariance, and discusses the asymptotic theory for this estimation. 用计数过程方程讨论了多状态寿命表转移概率估计,给出了各状态人口数估计和协方差估计,并讨论了相应估计的渐近理论。
By using the concept of generalized shock loads, and on the assumption that the counting process of shock loads meets Poisson random process, the definition expression of transportation packaging reliability could be found if response extreme acceleration of a packed product, i. e. 利用广义冲击载荷的概念,根据此冲击载荷满足泊松随机过程的假设,如果包装件内产品上极限响应加速度,即产品脆值已知,由此则可以写出运输包装可靠性的定义表达式。
In this paper the counting process of the Hysteresis Loop Counting Method is translated into a FORTRAN program, the time history of load of chassis frame-of the trailer is counted with the computer. 本文按滞后环法编制成FORTRAN语言的计算机程序,对拖车车架的实测随机载荷时间历程进行计数。
The machine CAD is counting to control a car to process the plait application within distance 机械CAD在数控车加工编程中的应用
Model for Latent Period of Cancer(ⅱ)& Counting Process and its Bootstrapping 肿瘤潜隐期的二阶段模型(Ⅱ)-计数过程及其自助法
Counting Process for the Equivalence Classes of n-Variable Boolean Functions n元布尔函数的等价类计数方法
Based on the introduction of the concept of longevity distribution of DMRL and its ordering relations, behavior of this ordering relations in renewal counting process is discussed as an application. 在介绍了DMRL寿命分布类的概念及其序关系的基础上,作为应用,刻划了该序关系在更新过程中的特征。
Modeling and Predication of Self-Exciting Point Process and Inhomogeneous Poisson Process Used in Broken Wires Counting Number Process of Wire Rope 自激过程与非齐次Poisson过程用于钢丝绳断丝计数过程的建模与预测
The arrival of containers can be described as a simple counting process, and the arrival interval follows the Poisson distribution. 箱流的到达可以用简单计数过程描述,到达间隔服从泊松分布。
We present the reason of counting loss and the analysis of APC's counting loss error with Poisson random process. 本文介绍了产生计数损失误差的原因,应用Poisson随机过程分析确定了粒子计数器的计数损失,并提出了测量计数损失的实验方法。
A Note on the Properties of the Poisson Counting Process and Some Applications of Its Properties to Reliability 关于Poisson计数过程性质的注记及其在可靠性中的应用
Convergence rates for precise asymptotics in the Law of Iterated Logarithm for the counting process of record times are further investigated and two new convergence rates are derived. 进一步讨论了重对数律的计录时计数过程的精致渐近性的收敛速度,得到了两类新的收敛速度。
In this paper, we study the E/ T stochastic scheduling problem with a single machine subject to breakdowns. We address the preemptive-repeat model, assuming the machine processing times to be exponentially distributed, and the counting process to be poisson process. 研究在Preemptive-repeat模型下,假设工件的加工时间服从指数分布,计数过程服从Poisson过程,单机E/T随机调度问题。
New convergence rates for the law of iterated logarithm of the counting process of record times 重对数律的记录时计数过程的收敛速度
The deterministic equivalent objective function is developed for the condition of that the counting process N ( t) describing the number of breakdowns is a generalized Poisson process. 首先在描述机器随机故障的计数过程为广义泊松过程时,给出了目标函数等价的确定形式。
The paper discussed the structure characteristics of small sized walking hydraulic vibrating compaction roller, chosen methods of structure parameter and counting process of vibrating parameter. 阐述了小型手扶式液压振动压实滚的结构特点,结构参数的选取方法及振动参数的计算步骤。
An in-depth analysis is made on FBAR tiny-mass sensor characteristics. Based on the analysis, we propose a dual-channel frequency difference counting method to acquire and process the information from FBAR tiny-mass sensor. 对FBAR传感特性进行了测试和分析,在此基础上提出了一种双路计数差频方法采集处理FBAR质量传感信息的方法。
The method of resource counting is adopted in the kernel process, with a limited number of resources. The number will subtract 1, when a resource is occupied by a task; and the number will add 1 when the resource is released. 核心思想是采用资源计数的方法,资源数量有限,每当被任务占用,则资源数量减1,每当任务释放资源,则资源数量增加1。
In the present industry, the counting of pipe which is in the process of production or sale is a heavy and inefficient work. Manually count is the most popular in Currently China. 在现在的工业生产中,对生产后库存或销售过程中的钢管进行计数是一项繁重而低效率的工作。目前在国内被采用最多的计数方法就是人工计数。